Come As You Are, Leave Uplifted.


Seventh Sunday in Easter

From the Curate The 122nd Diocesan Synod of 2023 was held last week. One of the most heated discussions was around the resolution on homelessness and housing affordability. The task force team did a thorough study on this issue for the past 14 months to review how we can understand the problem and how we would engage with the issue. The priorities…

Sixth Sunday of Easter

From the Rector This Sunday we have much to celebrate! A king has been crowned. It is Mother’s Day. We have parishioners being confirmed and reaffirming their faith. And Bishop John will be with us! I hope you’ll come and join in the festivities! In addition to all this, the sixth Sunday of Easter is…

Fifth Sunday of Easter

From the Rector Earlier this week, Joe and I were interviewing a new therapist for our son, James, who is on the autism spectrum. As she was playing with him to get to know his needs, we watched with delight as he showed off the new skills he has acquired in recent months—identifying shapes, colours, numbers, letters, and saying so many words!…

Fourth Sunday of Easter

From the Rector The fourth Sunday of Easter is known colloquially as “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Each year, we hear one of the three portions of John’s Gospel in which Jesus refers to himself as the Good Shepherd. He tells us that his sheep know his voice, that he lays down his life for the sheep, and that he has other sheep that…

Third Sunday of Easter

 Our parish council has recently decided to dedicate the beginning of our meetings to fellowship and formation by engaging in a book study. This year, we are reading An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor. Though we have just begun, I wanted to share the title with you in case you’d like to…

Seventh Sunday in Easter

Mother Terry is away on Study Leave this week, so it’s Mother Liz!  Today is the last Sunday in Easter, we’ve come to the end of the great 50 days!!!    Our readings for this morning and especially our reading from the end of the Book of Revelation are all about holy change- beginnings and ending, and endings that are beginnings.   The New…

Sixth Sunday of Easter

This Sunday is the sixth Sunday of Easter, traditionally known as Rogation Sunday. The word rogation comes from the Latin verb “rogare” (meaning “to ask”) and refers to the practice of prayer for a good harvest. Rogation days originated in France in the fifth century, when Bishop Mamertus called for days of fasting and prayer…

Fifth Sunday of Easter

You may have noticed that, throughout Easter season, we’ve been reading from the Book of Revelation on Sunday mornings. Since preachers usually focus their remarks on the Gospel appointed for the day, our series from Revelation has been passing by without much commentary. Perhaps that suits you just fine. I remember a time when I really…

Fourth Sunday of Easter

“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.” -John 10:27-28 This week, on the fourth Sunday of Easter, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday.” Each of the three years of the lectionary offers…

Third Sunday of Easter

Did you ever notice that in the stories of the resurrection, Jesus is incredibly difficult to recognize? Mary Magdalene thinks he’s the gardener until he calls her name. Thomas and the other disciples don’t really know it’s Jesus in the locked room with them until he shows them the marks of the crucifixion. On the road to Emmaus, Jesus walks with some…