Come As You Are, Leave Uplifted.
  • Light
  • Cloister
  • Lion of St Mark
  • Medicine Wheel
  • Angels in the Narthex
  • Pentecost

Come as You Are, Leave Uplifted.

Recent Services and Sermons

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Weekly Services

Sunday  10am  Live-Streamed

Thursday  9am  Labyrinth Open for Meditation
 10am  Healing Eucharist and Bible Study

Upcoming Special Services, Performances, and Meetings

Orange Shirt Day Sunday

You are encouraged to wear orange to church on Sunday September 29, 2024 September 30, 2021 marked Canada’s first official National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, adopting what has also been known as Orange Shirt Day since 2013. This is a day to recognize the legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential School system. Individual commitment to…

Upcoming Services

The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Service: Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena – Healey Willan Psalm: 1 – Plainsong (Tone V.1) Anthem: Beati Quorum Via – Charles Villiers Stanford Organ Voluntaries:        Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, (BWV 654) – Johann Sebastian Bach        Toccata in C (BWV 564) – Bach

The Ninteenth Sunday after Pentecost : St Michael’s and All Angels

Service: Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena – Healey Willan Psalm: 103: 19-22 – Plainsong (Tone VII.2) Offertory: O Salutaris Hostia – Edward Elgar Anthem: Gaudent in coelis – Richard Dering Organ Voluntaries:        Meditation on Michael & St Michael        Sortie in Eb – Louis-James Alfred Lefébure-Wély

The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Service:Missa Brevis – Stephanie Martin Psalm: 26 – Plainsong (Tone VI) Anthem: Author of Life – Cecilia McDowall Organ Voluntaries:        Fugue in D (WoO 31) – Ludwig van Beethoven        Trumpet Tune – Jeremiah Clarke

Harvest Sunday

Service:The Good Shepherd Service – Graeme Langager Psalm:22: 1-15 (setting, Graeme Langager) Anthem:Just as I Am – Richard DeLong Organ Voluntaries:        Pifa from Messiah – George Frideric Handel        Nun danket all Gott (op 65) – Sigfrid Karg-Elert