Come As You Are, Leave Uplifted.

Seventh Sunday in Easter

Mother Terry is away on Study Leave this week, so it’s Mother Liz!  Today is the last Sunday in Easter, we’ve come to the end of the great 50 days!!!    Our readings for this morning and especially our reading from the end of the Book of Revelation are all about holy change- beginnings and ending, and endings that are beginnings.   The New life that happened in those moments of time when the disciples came out of a locked room, and when they go from waiting for Jesus to beginning to live in him.

This movement, this holy movement of time leads us to next week and to feast of Pentecost (please remember to wear RED 😀 ).

Pentecost is the Coming of the Holy Spirit to the people.   It’s the day when the disciples and all those gathered in Jerusalem come together and the Holy Spirit comes upon them- and the Church is born.  It’s the holy movement outward.

It’s the moment when one kind of experience of being a follower of Jesus ends, and another one begins.  And I’m here for it, and I love it!   I love it because the Holy Spirit is not ‘tame’ the Holy Spirit blows where she wills, and disrupts, and sets us alight with passion and new things happen.

The Disciples come out of the room, and embrace a life of ministry- they go to places they never imagined, and find themselves in new ways that they could not have believed.   The Holy Spirit blows and calls us to be brave, to embrace the new life that is before us.

This week we hear about endings and beginnings and the line between them blurs, but God is there.  THIS right now, right here is Holy Time.

So, next week we wear Red, we sing loudly about how God is present to us not just in the Spirit 2000years ago, but today, continuing to blow and pull and push us into New Life, into New Joy, into New ways of Being God’s people.


Mother Liz+