Come As You Are, Leave Uplifted.

Posts by Terry Shields Dirbas (Page 3)

Third Sunday of Easter

Did you ever notice that in the stories of the resurrection, Jesus is incredibly difficult to recognize? Mary Magdalene thinks he’s the gardener until he calls her name. Thomas and the other disciples don’t really know it’s Jesus in the locked room with them until he shows them the marks of the crucifixion. On the road to Emmaus, Jesus walks with some…

Second Sunday of Easter

Alleluia! Christ is risen. We made it through forty days of Lent—forty days of special emphasis on prayer, fasting, and giving of ourselves, in remembrance of the sacrifice Christ made for us. We made it through a glorious and emotional Holy Week, throughout which we witnessed, again, the love of Christ made known to us at the Last Supper and ultimately on…


What a journey we have been on, through this season of Lent! It seems so long ago, now, that we began by marking our foreheads with a cross of ashes, symbolizing penitence, humility, and mortality. Throughout the season, we took time to pray, fast, and give of our time and resources as we sought to reorient our hearts and our wills to…