Come As You Are, Leave Uplifted.

Last Sunday After Epiphany

“For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
-2 Corinthians 4:6

This season after Epiphany is all about light. From the light of the star that guides the wise men to the baby Jesus, to the light that breaks forth at his baptism and declares him God’s Son, to the metaphorical light that emanates from him as he calls his disciples and manifests God’s healing power. Week by week, we see our world lit up by Jesus’ presence. And this Sunday, the whole season culminates with the Transfiguration– the revelation before Peter, James, and John of Jesus bathed in God’s glory and conversing with Moses and Elijah. The light is now literally visible, radiating from Jesus himself.

Between the short days of winter and news of earthquakes, floods, war, and so much more, the world has seemed dark for a long time. But spring is at hand. There is gathering light in our midst. And the truth, for us as believers, is that the source of our light isn’t in the circumstances of our daily living. Our light comes from knowing God’s glory revealed in Jesus. Our light comes from the joy of knowing God loves us enough to send his Son into the world to teach us, to heal us, to pray with us, to rejoice with us, and even to die and rise for us.

As we prepare for a time of fasting and praying during Lent, let’s take care that we remember where our light truly comes from, and that we don’t lose sight of it, even in the dark times. And let’s do our best to share the light with those who are experiencing dark times.
Many people have asked how they can help, after the recent earthquake in Turkey. Please see below for more information about giving through the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.

Mother Terry